Non-Profits & Social Agencies

Member Name Phone Number Address Connect
Deltones Toastmasters Club 867 604-328-6971

4750 57th Street
Delta, BC V4K 3C9

The Business Association Inspired in North Delta Canada 604-290-3971

PO Box 97104, RPO Scottsdale Mall
Delta, BC V4C 2L9

Kyndred Community Living Society 604-946-9508

1 – 3800 – 72nd Street
Delta, BC V4K 3N2

KinVillage Association 604-943-0155

5410 – 10 Avenue
Delta BC  V4M 3X8

Ladner United Church 604-946-6254

4960 48 Avenue
Delta, BC V4K 4X6

South Fraser River Enhancement Society 604-313-4988

Delta, BC

Delta Community Foundation 604-943-8110

P.O. Box 18527
Delta, BC V4K 4V7

MOSAIC 604-591-9116

4899 Delta Street
Delta, BC V4K 2T9

Royal Canadian Legion #61 604-946-4611

4896 Delta Street
Delta, BC V4K 2V2

Rotary Club of Ladner 604-818-4874

PO Box 77
Delta, BC V4K 3N5